I am a digital artist. I live in Paris.
My work is visible on hugoarcier.com.
All photos and videos on this blog are my property. If not, the source will be provided.

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Dec 9, 2007

Philip K. Dick unpublished book!

"Les Voix de l'asphalte" is an early and unpublished book of the great writer Philip K. Dick.
It's realistic, different that his famous Sci-fictionnal books.
Here is an extract, in french :
"J'étais en train d'acheter une maison, j'étais marié ; il me semblait que mon devoir était de partir au travail tous les matins, comme tout le monde. Seulement mon inconscient me saturait d'angoisse quand j'arrivais là-bas, au magasin de disques, et je ne comprenais pas pourquoi. C'est là que j'ai commencé à avoir des évanouissements".

Hiroshi Teshigahara

Three movies of probably one of my favorite (japonese) director Hiroshi Teshigahara are finally out on dvd : Otoshiana (aka Traquenard), Suna no onna (aka La femme des sables) and Tanin no kao (aka Le visage de l'autre).

The trailers :

Dec 8, 2007

Weird crib

Miss S and I went to an artistic happening. Several Miss S friends was playing role in the crib.
I had the feeling to be in Silent Hill.

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